
“Marry him?”- Past Life Story

By July 2, 2013 November 8th, 2023 No Comments

“Should I marry him?” That was the first thing Sara said as she got in and sat down. “I’m not a prophet, you know… I do past life regression. Tell me more” I replied. “Well, Jacob and I know each other for 5 maybe 6 years. We moved in together about 3 years ago.

 All my girlfriends are married already and it seems like it’s time for us to do the same but I’m not sure” she said. “How is the relationship for you?” I asked. “On the one hand there’s some flow, our togetherness seems very, I don’t know, familiar maybe? On the other hand, sometimes he drives me crazy and I feel like killing him or getting the hell out of there…” she said smiling. “Okay, what I suggest is that we ask your “computer” to show us a past life that includes Jacob to help us understand the relationship today and hopefully help you make up your mind” I explained the logic of a past life regression session. “Sounds great, I’ve got nothing to lose” Sara answered.

We went through the induction and then she stared talking. “I’m in Egypt, I think, yes, I can see the pyramids. I’m in this mystery school being initiated to become a high priestess. We lead a very spiritual life.” She described with delight. “How old are you?” I asked. “About 18 – 19.” “Do you like what you do?” “I love it! My passion is to be of service to my people” she replied enthusiastically.

“O.K. lets see what happens next.” I encouraged her. “No way! I won’t marry him!” she said angrily. “Can you please tell me what’s going on?” I asked. Sara took her time. “My father is forcing me to marry this old man. He is very rich. No way I’ll do that!” She was very upset. “Please take a look at the man’s eyes, see if you recognize him from your present life?” I asked. “That can’t be true! I don’t believe it! It’s… Jacob! Wow!” I gave her some time. “Well, what do you do?” “The next night, I commit suicide,” she said emotionless. “How did you do this?” I asked curiously. “Ah, using my personal snake. I made him bite me.” She replied shortly. “It’s your pet, isn’t it? So it’s not suppose to hurt you. Right?” I wondered. “Yes. So I had to use the magic words, in order to turn him against me.” She explained. “And then what?” I was curious. “They found my body in the morning and got very upset with me. I don’t care. I’d rather die than have to give up my spiritual calling.” Sara said coldly. “And what about Jacob?” “I know he loved me and would have taken good care of me but I wanted to dedicate my life to spirit.” She elaborated.

“Can you see any connection between your past life to your current life?”
I intrigued her. “Coming to think about it, I’m an artist, I make imaginative jewelry and I’m afraid that I’ll lose that with all the duties of being a wife and a mother.”

“Anything else?” I asked. “Water, I see lots of water,” she said. “Are you on land? In the water?” I wondered. “Well…I’m on this tiny boat by myself.
I’m sailing,” she replied. “What for?” I continued. “I’m a fisherman IN Armenia, 1576, and that’s my boat” she went on. “Are you a man?” “Yes, I’m old” she said quietly. “Do you have any family?” I asked, remembering the issue we’re dealing with. “Not really. I never married. I spend my life on the water.” She explained. “Okay”. I got stuck. What’s now? And why is she seeing this?

“Anything else?” I asked hesitantly. “This is weird. There’s this sea turtle here, that keeps following my boat. Strange.” She got quiet. “Take a close look at this turtle and tell me if you recognize it from your past life or current life” I asked with a relief. “Oh my God! Not again! It’s Jacob! He was a sea turtle!” She was totally puzzled. I gave her some time to absorb.

“And why did he choose to be a turtle?” I asked. She took a deep breath. “Since I didn’t have any relatives, I guess. The only way he could be around me in this solitary life was to be a sea turtle” she said quietly, understanding the meaning of it. “He must have loved me very much” she continued. “And I think he still does”… I added. Sara was very quiet.

I got her back out of the hypnosis into full awareness. “Wow” she said. “I’ve got to call my husband and tell him he was a sea turtle!” “Did you just say, my HUSBAND?” I commented. ” Did I? I guess I did” she suddenly realized. “It seems like I’ve got my answer….”

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