


Destiny vs. free will

Is it all predetermined or can we choose our life? Let's start from the beginning. We all belong to a "soul group" or a "soul family". A soul group…
Orly Arava
July 5, 2013

What is a Soul Group?

People ask me: “Is it true that we reincarnate with the same group of people, over and over again? My awful mother in law? The jerk ex-husband it took…
Orly Arava
July 5, 2013

Why Discover My Past Lives?

”Why would I open a past life file? I've got enough issues to deal with in my current life!” That's a common question regarding a past life regression session.…
Orly Arava
July 5, 2013

Will I be Forever Single?

”I’m afraid I’ll never get married.” Sam said. She's a 26 years old high school teacher, attractive and sweet. I asked her to tell me about her relationship pattern…
Orly Arava
July 3, 2013
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